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Submitted by: Ian Knabel
The structure of your article is almost as important as the content!
You may have the very best information to share in your article but if you fail to present it in a clear logical order, complete with good quality spelling, punctuation and grammar, no one will read it.
The structure of your article can be summarized as follows:
1. Title or headline
2. Introduction
3. Body
4. Conclusion or closing
5. Author or resource box
In this article I will be looking at points 1 to 4. The author or resource box is so important it will be the source of it’s own article latter in the series.
Title or Headline
Obviously this is absolutely critical! You have to catch the readers eye and engage them so they will read your article. Your title must be unique!
You will have done your keyword research using Market Samurai so you know what you will be writing about.
You can check for the uniqueness of your title by searching the article directories for the title you are thinking of. If your first choice is taken, modify your title and keep trying until you find one that you can use that is absolutely unique.
The Introduction
Another critical aspect to your article construction is the opening paragraph or introduction.
You must include something to grab the attention of your reader. This is commonly referred to as a “hook” or “catch”. Other copywriting experts advocate the use of a controversial statement. Some examples of good opening paragraphs would be
Not getting traffic? Here are the 7 secret steps the guru’s don’t want you to know
Do you want to lose 10 pounds in the next 30 days?
Discover 5 little known treatments to stop hair loss!
If you are interested in any of the above, I’m sure you would read on to see what the article is about.
Article Body
The body of your article is probably the least important aspect. Just make sure you have quality information that is displayed in a logical order.
And, of course make sure it is original! Copying someone else’s writing or buying cheap PLR articles and trying to submit them will only cause a lot of frustration when they are rejected by the editors.
The Conclusion or Closing
This is the really exciting part where you bring together your title, your introduction and the body of your article into a 3 -5 sentence summary. This can take a while to master but is the really “punchy” section of your article. Check out the conclusion at the bottom of this article to see what I mean.
Something that people often forget about is spelling, punctuation and grammar. No one is going to read through a poorly written article, with long sentences’ and poor spelling. Use your spelling and punctuation checker from your word processor.
I would also very strongly recommend you read your article from start to finish at least twice to ensure that it “flows” and is in fact easy to read.
Well, there you have it! If you want to generate lots of FREE traffic using article marketing you must ensure that your article is written in a clear and logical path that follows these very simple guidelines. Structure your articles correctly and you will enjoy the benefits that come with hoards of FREE traffic that your articles will generate.
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