7 Steps For Selecting A Cremation Provider

Posted on March 25, 2021March 25, 2021Categories It Services

By Hal Stevens

Always put your wishes in writing so that there are no troubles when you die. Because death is often ill-timed and surprising, this should be taken care of at the first chance. You cannot authorize your own cremation in many states, and as a result, the next of kin must be in agreement if a cremation is to take place. You can ask your cremation provider as to whether your state allows self-authorization.

When choosing a cremation provider, here are some questions to ask:

1. In the United States, ask if they are a member of the Cremation Association of North America? If not, do they adhere to a code of cremation ethics? In other countries, an Internet search will tell you the governing agency for cremation. Make sure to ask if the facility it part of said agency.

2. What permits are needed before cremation can take place?


3. Can the cremation be witnessed by a family member or designated individual?

4. What is the average time between reception of the remains and the completion of the cremation?

5. How will the cremated remains be returned if an urn is not provided prior to cremation?

6. What is their policy in regards to disposing prosthetics, artificial hips, knees, etc.?

7. Do they have refrigeration facilities to hold the body prior to cremation?

The cremation process can differ extensively from one crematory to the next. Also, state and federal regulations will also have an effect on the procedures. If you have particular concerns about cremation laws or procedures in your area, it’s paramount that you check with the cremation service provider that you’re considering or have selected. Most cremation providers will be glad to explain their exact procedures and safeguards with you prior to the cremation-taking place. This is usually very comforting to the families.

A mandatory 24 to 48 hour “waiting period” is usually a required before the cremation can be performed. Your loved is held in a temperature controlled refrigeration unit until the cremation can be performed. Cremation providers will usually permit family members to be present when the body is placed into the cremation chamber. In reality, a few religious groups include this as part of their funeral custom. Since laws and procedures can contrast significantly, please address detailed questions to the cremation service providers in your area.

About the Author: Hal is the author of several critically acclaimed eBooks specifically written to help people deal with end of life issues. His eBooks include topics such as: cremation, writing and delivering a eulogy, eco-friendly green funerals, funeral planning, organ donation, and buying and selling cemetery plots. To find out more about his CemeterySpot family of free services and resources, to learn more about his books, and to get a free gift, please visit:





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Posted on March 25, 2021March 25, 2021Categories Uncategorized

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Ten-year-old computer glitch prevents delivery of 1,380 Canadian health results

Posted on March 13, 2021March 14, 2021Categories Uncategorized

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Saskatoon Health Region in Saskatchewan, Canada recently discovered a fax machine problem which had not relayed almost 1,500 X-rays, Computed tomography (CT) and Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, ultrasounds, and other medical imaging test results to doctors.

The fax machine is part of the automated Radiology Information System. An audit revealed that medical diagnostic tests involving results dating back a decade have been affected by the broken fax machine.

On May 6, a doctor called the health region officials seeking follow up on a patient’s report. Staff who delved into it, found that the report was not sent from the system.

Now, two weeks later, this same patient has still not been contacted by the health region.

“It has taken some time to work with the patient’s physician. That was important — to get more information and more detail because we want that patient’s physician to be involved in the discussion with the patient,” Dr. David Poulin, vice-president of medical affairs for The Saskatoon Health Region, said. “This is a system error and that’s just what it was — an error. This doesn’t reflect in any way on the quality of work regional staff have done and continue to do.”

An internal review revealed that, of 2.2 million diagnostic tests performed, at least 1,380 had not been sent out by the malfunctioning fax machine.

The health region will embark on contacting each of the 1,380 patients and their physicians to make sure that the results have been received and if any health care was compromised.

Patients can also contact the health region via a newly set up hotline to make enquiries.

“We think it would actually be good practice if physician offices could have a system to check whether they have received important reports,” said Poulin, “The common practice appears to be in many doctors’ offices, particularly family physician offices, that they don’t respond to the report until it arrives. So, they basically are waiting for the report to arrive in their office by fax and it’s at that point that they look at it and decide what action to take.”

City Hospital, St. Paul’s Hospital and Royal University Hospital were the three city hospitals affected. Saskatoon has a population of roughly 233,923, and the hospitals also serve the surrounding rural areas.

Ironically the faulty fax machine was discovered the same week that provincial medical officials began to review approximately 70,000 radiology tests conducted in Yorkton. Officials there doubt the competence of the physician who first interpreted the radiology results.

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Saskatchewan places moratorium on boar farming, says escaped boars should be killed

Posted on March 8, 2021March 9, 2021Categories Uncategorized

Saturday, March 14, 2009

At the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) conference, a resolution was passed that encourages the Government of Saskatchewan, Canada to place a moratorium on specialty livestock farms raising wild boar. All wild boars that have escaped to roam wild should be killed, according to the resolution.

Agriculture Minister Bob Bjornerud endorses a ban on wild boar farming. The wild boar population is expanding exponentially. There are over 2,000 feral Sus scrofa swine roaming the prairies. Two litters of approximately 12 piglets are sired by each wild boar sow every year. The Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation (SWF) likewise passed a similar resolution at their 79th annual convention to urge the Saskatchewan Government to declare the wild boar as a nuisance species which can be killed on sight.

3% of farmed “wild” boars escape. Cells of wild boars are ravenous creatures killing and eating everything in their path. Horses, cows, and other livestock run from wild boars, breaking through fences in the process.

Ostriches, emus, llamas, alpacas, reindeer, wild boar, and fallow deer were amongst the animals introduced to farms in Saskatchewan during the agricultural diversification program in the late 1970s. Production of wild boars was promoted throughout the 1980s.

According to the Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food 2001 statistics, there were 150 wild boar producers raising approximately 15,000 and 20,000 head. Of these there were about 2,700 sows. On the 2006 Census of Agriculture, 401 farms reported 4,926 boars.

The boar’s red meat is an export commodity to Europe and Asia. The live breeding stock are also sold to trophy hunt ranches. Full blooded wild boar and hybrid crosses are raised.

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Cosmetic Institute: Get Back Your Natural Beauty

Posted on March 1, 2021March 2, 2021Categories Tattoo

Cosmetic Institute: Get Back Your Natural Beauty



Beauty is something which god gives you naturally. Yet, there are various factors that decrease the beauty level of your body. Mostly in case of women, you can find drastic changes in their looks and physique. The reason behind the change can be many. Sometimes it might be the eating habit or the environmental conditions or some other factor. Loss of your natural charm will make you lose your confidence to face the public. There are several cases where women settle down inside their home after they give birth to a baby. In women, the changes in their physique are usually seen after the pregnancy.

Way back in early days, women continued to live with their mommy image, though it looked odd. They had to continue with it since they didn t have any option to get back to their natural beauty. Now with advancement of technology, there have been great advancements in the field of medical science as well. Thus, if you are looking for a mommy changeover, then you can get it done at the earliest. If you are a resident of Orange County, you can come across numerous mommy makeover Orange County surgeons. Through plastic survey and various other options, the surgeons would help you in getting back to your original looks.


Earlier, there weren t too many women preferring mommy makeover Orange County, as people weren t pretty confident to get it done. Yet, with increase in the number of people getting back through the makeover, there has been great increase in the number of people preferring to get back their natural physique. Not just the physique, you may come across various changes in your face as well. There are cases where women lose all their natural facial beauty. Yet you don t need to worry, since by opting facelift Orange County, you will be able to gain back your natural beauty. Not just the natural beauty, you can even enhance your natural beauty as well. As there are numerous facelift Orange County surgery institutes present within Orange County, you don t need to wander around for a solution.

All that you need to do is to gather information on the top institute that offers facelift and mommy makeover. Though there are numerous such institutes available all over, the service that you get from all the institutes may not be of top quality. On the other hand, the changes being a visible one, you need to be very cautious while choosing the surgeon. So, make it a point to ground work on the top makeover and facelift surgeons present in the city. On the other hand, if you wish to have confidential consultation with the surgeon, then you can prefer that as well. Browsing trough their official website you can get information related to confidential consultation. So, do make use of this opportunity to get back to your natural look give to your by god.

This content has been taken from http://www.ideamarketers.com/?articleid=3293652&CFID=186267475&CFTOKEN=45271110

Nature made you who you are, complex and beautiful. And yet you know that you can be more than what you are now through

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by visiting our website.

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Knight Foundation and Mozilla send geeks into newsrooms

Posted on March 1, 2021March 2, 2021Categories Uncategorized

Friday, November 11, 2011

In London last weekend, journalists, software developers, filmmakers, designers and many others spent time discussing ideas and building tools at the 2011 Mozilla Festival at Ravensbourne College. Following the theme of “Media, Freedom and the Web”, many attendees developed prototypes around the idea of the future of media including tablet interface prototypes for the Boston Globe, designs for open source software for DJs, and hacks to enable journalists to combine video and original source text together to tell stories in more interactive ways.

One important announcement made at the event was details of five new fellowship places sponsored by the Knight Foundation and the Mozilla Foundation that attempt to bring together journalists and open source-minded software geeks. Wikinews spoke to Laurian Gridinoc, who currently works at Talis building software for higher education but will move for a year to the BBC to work in the newsroom. Other fellows will be working for The Guardian, Al-Jazeera, the Boston Globe and Zeit Online.

Gridinoc says the Fellowship intends to “introduce innovation in the newsroom by embedding some developers as fellows”. The fellows will collaborate with people within the news organization. They hope to be open about how they are changing the newsroom. Gridinoc says he and the others will “blog about making the news, on how things can be done, and how [open source] tools can be used”, and he specifically will work on trying to increase the use of linked data, a practice already embraced by the BBC. “Adaptive documents” were another area of interest for Laurian: having stories where illustrations and examples dynamically adapt to the particular reader.

According to the fellows speaking as part of a panel discussion, many newsrooms reject the use of open source tools even for producing maps, graphs and infographics.

How journalists adapt to the web was a theme throughout the weekend, with sessions teaching journalists to write HTML and write basic scripts in Ruby to scrape websites, discussions on Creative Commons and what “hacker journalism” entails. One group worked on collaboratively produced handbook on “data journalism” while others tested and refined Ushahidi, a crowdsourced news tool that was used during the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile in 2010 and in Christchurch, New Zealand in 2011.

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Scientists say excess cerebrospinal fluid may serve as early sign of autism

Posted on February 20, 2021February 21, 2021Categories Uncategorized

Thursday, March 9, 2017

In a study that appeared on Monday in Biological Psychiatry, scientists from the Universities of California and North Carolina, with several other universities in the United States and Canada, report a strong correlation between abnormal distribution of cerebrospinal fluid in infants and later development of autistic symptoms.

“The more extra-axial CSF present at six months, the more severe the autism symptoms when the kids were diagnosed at 24 months of age,” said first author Dr. Mark Shen, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of North Carolina.

The study covered 343 children examined aged six months, twelve months, and twenty-four months, 221 of whom had older siblings with autism. Children with higher than usual volumes of cerebrospinal fluid in the subarachnoid space — the area just around the brain — were more likely to be diagnosed with autism later in life, with a strong correlation in the high-risk group. Ultimately, cerebrospinal volume was able to provide an early diagnosis of probably ASD in high-risk children with 70% accuracy. The six-month-old babies who later went on to a diagnosis of autism had an average of 18% more CSF by volume than those who were not so diagnosed. This built on the findings of a 2013 study that covered only 55 children.

Researchers said it is not clear whether a large amount of cerebrospinal fluid actually causes autism or not. While studies have shown that cerebrospinal fluid, once thought to act solely as a cushioner and shock absorber for the brain, can influence the way neurons grow, Shen speculated that the large amount of fluid may itself be a symptom: “We believe that extra-axial CSF is an early sign that CSF is not filtering and draining when it should. The result is that there could be a buildup of neuro-inflammation that isn’t being washed [a]way.”

Currently, coauthor David Amaral said, children are not diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders until they are old enough for their behavior to change, usually at two or three years old. Researchers said these findings could be used to develop an early diagnostic system usable when the patient is as young as six months old.

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BDSM as business: Interviews with Dominatrixes

Posted on February 15, 2021February 16, 2021Categories Uncategorized

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Whether the Civil War, World War II or the Iraq War, it can be challenging to face how conflict penetrates the psyche of a nation and surfaces in the nuances of life. There are thousands—if not millions—of individuals who indulge in fantasies others would deem perverse that have their nascence in some of the darkest moments of human history. It is possible someone you know pays a person to dress like a German Nazi to treat them like a “dirty Jew”, or to force them to pick cotton off the floor like a slave.

An S&M dungeon is a place where these individuals act out such taboos. Businesses that operate to meet their needs are often hidden, but they do exist and are typically legal. The clients want to remain confidential for fear of ostracism in their respective communities. As Sigmund Freud wrote, “Anyone who has violated a taboo becomes taboo himself because he possesses the dangerous quality of tempting others to follow his example.”

Last week Wikinews published the first in a two part series on the BDSM business: an interview with Bill & Rebecca, the owners of Rebecca’s Hidden Chamber. This week we publish the second part: an interview with three dungeon employees, Mistress Alex, Mistress Jada and Mistress Veronica. In their world, BDSM is a game, a harmless pursuit of roleplaying exercises that satiate the desires of the tabooed. These Dominatrixes are the kind of women men fantasize about, but they all look like they could be babysitting your children this Saturday night. Most likely, they will not be.

Mistress Alex has a distinctive sheen when David Shankbone walks into the room. Her moist skin cools quickly from the blow of the air conditioner she stands in front of. Just having finished an hour and a half session, she is dressed in a latex one-piece skirt and matching boots. Mistress Jada, a shapely Latina dressed in red, joins the conversation and remains throughout. When Alex needs to tend to a client, Mistress Veronica, who looks like she would be as comfortable teaching kindergarten as she would “tanning a man’s hide”, takes over for her.

The interview was neither sensational nor typical, but what you read may surprise, repulse, or even awaken feelings you never knew you had. Below is David Shankbone’s interview with three Dominatrixes.

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Kansas library discusses Wikipedia

Posted on February 11, 2021February 12, 2021Categories Uncategorized

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

A diverse group of approximately 25 people gathered at the Johnson County Library on Monday to participate in reference librarian Scott Vieira’s class, Wikiwhatia? Wikipedia.

Scott opened the session by sharing a disparaging quote from Robert McHenry (former editor-in-chief of Encyclopedia Britannica) comparing Wikipedia to a public restroom. He then shared a quote from Andrew Keen, author of The Cult of the Amateur, in which he stated Wikipedia is the blind leading the blind. Scott shared Wikipedia usage data from a 2007 Pew Internet study showing 36% of adults have consulted Wikipedia and that that Wikipedia receives 10,000-30,000 searches per second. Scott also pointed out that Wikipedia now has over two million articles in English alone (over nine million articles in 250 languages). So there is a discrepancy here, lots of critics and lots of use.

Scott then shared some historical information in order to provide a context for understanding Wikipedia. This included some important names and dates in the history of encyclopedias… including Pliny the Elder (23-79 C.E.) who published 37 Volumes of Natural History, and Joachim Sterck van Ringelbergh (c. 1499-1556) who first used the term encyclopedia, and then d’Alembert and Diderot who published 17 volumes of their French Encyclopedia from 1751-1765. Encyclopedia Britannica was first published in Scotland in serial format 1768-1771.

Scott also discussed more recent history, sharing a photo of Ward Cunningham –who is credited with being the inventor of wiki software. Wikipedia was founded on Jan 15, 2001 by Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales. Sanger left Wikipedia in 2002 and founded Citizendium in 2007 a complementary project which now has 4500 articles.

After the historical perspective, the class moved into using Wikipedia. Everyone in the audience had used Wikipedia. The class explored the content of Wikipedia, realising there is a whole lot going on. Scott demonstrated that the article about “frogs” for example, is semi-protected. The “history of science” article was examined, including the history of changes. Discussion covered how people contribute, who contributes and edits. The group also talked about Wikipedia bots, which aid in routine tasks in a semi-automated or automated fashion.

A discussion about teachers, school media specialists and students regarding their use of Wikipedia ensued. Some teachers and school media specialists are negative about Wikipedia, but Scott’s hope is that they will use it to start a discussion about the need to evaluate and critically think about information (even when it’s from more traditionally reviewed and edited sources).

An unanswered question from an audience member was, “What was the first Wikipedia article?”

Discussion topics from Scott to audience were as follows:

  • Do you think Wikipedia is less accurate than published resources and how important is that accuracy to you?
  • How do we determine authority on a subject? How important is it that an article be written by an expert? How is Wikipedia changing our idea of what an authority is?
  • Currency – the ability to publish immediately – what are the advantages and what are the disadvantages?
  • What do we think about the content selection in Wikipedia?
  • Should Wikipedia be used by librarians?
  • What do you think about the future of Wikipedia?
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Shopping For Dresses In Summer

Posted on February 10, 2021February 11, 2021Categories 4 Wd

byAlma Abell

Fashion is the most important thing to some women. For these women, there is nothing better than a new outfit, pair of shoes, handbag or accessory. Finding a place that provides the latest styles and fashion trends can only be described as Nirvana. A fashion diva stays up on the latest and greatest from all over the world.

Now that summer is here, dress sales are at an all time high. They are cool and comfortable, which is a necessity when dealing with the summer heat. Dresses can also be dressed up or down to fit any occasion. Finding Dresses in Shreveport LA is especially important. Louisiana can be such a hot and humid place that, for women, wearing a dress is a no-brainer. Pretenses Boutique is the perfect place to find such dresses. They offer the latest in clothing, accessories, outerwear and more in Shreveport LA.

The last thing a woman wants is to find herself in a dress or outfit that is either out of season or no longer in style. To avoid this horrific fate while shopping for Dresses in Shreveport LA it is important to find a place that stays on top of what’s hot and what’s not. Also, it is important to find a place that offers items that can provide both style and function. A dress has to not only be pretty and fashionable, it must also be functional. When dealing with a place that has such hot and humid weather, a dress has to be airy and cooling, while also being able to stand up to even the toughest fashion critics.

Because trends tend to come and go, it is also important to find a place that provides pieces that are timeless. A woman should be able to buy an item and still be able to wear it years later, just by applying different accessories. Because fashion is so important most women don’t mind paying more for their items. Those items have to be long lasting and worth every penny. The average woman likes to get as much wear out of their items as possible before having to replace them.