Automatic pool cleaners are efficient and handy by Henry Steven SalzburgThe cleaners of pool are the incomparable swimming pool cleaners which cover all the types of swimming pools from aboveground swimming pools to children’s swimming pools and last but not least the inflatable pools.These pool cleaners offer the highest efficiency in their work and optimally clean the pools. There are actually three types of cleaning systems; the pressure side, suction side and robotic pool cleaners.The suction side pool cleaners will essentially utilize the pools own suction, the skimmer to suck dirt and debris from bottom of pool. Nevertheless, the dirt and debris from the bottom of pool is removed by filter. The suction side pool cleaner is actually said to be a vacuum cleaner that is water powered.The pressure side pool cleaners on the other hand will utilize either one of the water returns or the return pressure of the secondary booster pump to clean away the dirt and debris into the bag on cleaner. The fine dirt will also get filtered. These pool cleaners are integrated with a disadvantage of engaging one of the water returns which can in turn disturb the water circulation.The last models are the robotic ones that are actually the pool vacuums which are being primarily controlled by the computer. These pool cleaners can scrub any type of pool and can be independently operate from pump and filter system. The microchip present in these robotic pool cleaners will control their movements. These are the types that are highly being recommended nowadays because of their ease to handle and efficient mode of operation Nevertheless, in the present era, the automatic pool cleaners are the best pool cleaners that can be availed easily and cheaply as compared to other models. There are numerous models of pool cleaners in this category from the robotic pool cleaners to the Baracuda pool cleaners.The robotic pool cleaners are many ranging from lowest of $342 to maximum of $8500. The lowest model is grandly known as the Pool Rover Junior ABG cleaner and the highest priced model is called Dolphin Wave which is highly a commercial pool cleaner.There are also other effective models like Pool Rover Hybrid ABG cleaner, Dolphin diagnostic which is a residential pool cleaner. Moreover, there is Dolphin 2×2 commercial cleaner. There are other popular names like Aquabot turbo, Tiger Shark and Ultramax with many models and designs in this category.However, in Baracuda pool cleaners’ there are only 3 types which are highly known as Baracuda X7 Quattro Inground cleaner, Baracuda G3 Inground cleaner and Baracuda Ranger Aboveground cleaner.The automatic pool cleaners are actually the lazy man’s device. These are perfect for an individual who is quite busy and does not have time to regularly clean the pool. These pool cleaners will swiftly carry out the job and can be utilized only once in a week.Thus, the pool cleaners have become a necessity for many crowded swimming pools. These are considered best because they provide the total cleanliness to the swimming pools thus making them safer place for all age groups to enjoy swimming.Get the best help for discount pool cleaners or cheap pool cleaners and some extended information on in ground pool cleaners at Pool Cleaners Online.Article Source: eArticlesOnline.com