A Boon To The Weaken Eyes Lasik Laser Eye Surgery

Posted on February 20, 2018February 20, 2018Categories Medicine

A Boon To The Weaken Eyes – Lasik Laser Eye Surgery by ArvindA sheer amalgamation of quality and comfort seeks to complete the norms of lasik laser eye surgery. It is a recent development which provides a new dimension to the health care industry. It carries none of those irksome procedures eating up the time and comfort of the patients. The hunt for suitable machinery has always been there to match up with the fast running metropolis. As a result, lasik treatments come to be a majestic conclusion of the sweats shed tearing off the brains in search of better human supports.According to figures, over a million people in U.S. has been through lasik treatments to get a better vision. A wide range of equipments from laser to radio frequency when mingles with the experts vision gets you a better vision. Lasik laser eye surgery, as the name suggests, is a surgery of eyes through laser that help a person to get rid of vision problems and greets with improved vision.Lasik process is neither a procedure that takes big bucks out of the pockets nor it does detain much of the patients’ time. It takes only a couple of minutes to be operated. 15 minutes are not much to get a better vision. Yes, it takes a meager amount of time to go through the whole procedure. However, a candidate for a laser eye surgery must be above 18years of age.Lasik surgery is carried out in various lasik centers like Lasik Dallas, Lasik Los Angeles etc. that are well equipped with the instruments needed during the surgery. Each candidate for lasik surgery has dissimilar requirements depending on the age and the problem he is suffering from. During the surgery, the flap of the eye is folded and then with the help of microkeratme, a highly sophisticated tool, an artificial flap is created. This flutter is then folded back to apply laser to cornea beneath it. After the laser treatment, the flap is unfolded backside to the normal placement.After a candidate is sure to go for lasik treatment, next step is the collection of lasik centre. The centre must be selected taking well care of facilities and the quality of work offered. The past records must be scrutinized thoroughly so as to get the best opportunity out of it.Hence, one can say that once you get sure to get a lasik laser eye surgery, investigate about the modus operandi and the best centre nearby. After your contentment with the information, leave the rest in the hands of experts supported by great technologies.LasikAide is an online information hub for those who have minor defect in vision and want liberty from lenses and glasses. Lasik Laser Eye Surgery can work wonder to your eye sight. Know more about Lasik Plus, leader provider in lasik surgery.Article Source: eArticlesOnline.com

What Is Lasik Revision Surgery?}

Posted on November 17, 2017November 17, 2017Categories Medicine

What is LASIK Revision Surgery?


Dr Robertmaloney

What is LASIK Revision Surgery?

In Los Angeles LASIK surgery is a very common procedure for vision correction. LASIK is a tried and tested procedure that has resulted in thousands of happy customers, glad to give up the use of contacts and glasses. The majority of people who receive LASIK report that they are satisfied with the results and report little to no complications.

However, as with most surgeries, there are always certain risks involved. Nothing in life is 100% risk free and this equally applies to laser eye surgery Los Angeles and beyond. LASIK is safe but complications do occur in a small minority of cases.

Some LASIK risks which have been reported are:



Poor night vision (see halos or starbursts around lights at night time)

Forward bulging of the centre of the cornea (Ectasia)


Dry eyes

Problems directly related to the epithelium flap

In some cases, patients who have turned to cheap or discount LASIK surgeries are more susceptible to complications. This is because either the doctor is not very experienced, or the technology used is out of date, and not as accurate.

Los Angeles LASIK specialist, Dr. Robert Maloney, of the Maloney Vision Institute in Bevelry Hills specializes in managing complications from vision correction surgery. He has had many patients come to him who had complications from a vision correction procedure done elsewhere, and had suffered from these complications for months or even years. LASIK revision surgery is an option for those who have had complications, or have had their vision change overtime, and need an adjustment.

Some techniques used to treat vision correction surgery complications include Custom-CAP and therapeutic Wavefront Guided LASIK.

Custom Contoured Ablation Pattern (Custom-CAP)

Custom-CAP is a laser procedure that uses a special computer program to design an ablation (tissue removal) pattern to correct irregularities in the surface of the cornea that were caused by earlier surgeries, such as improperly performed LASIK. This can correct the visual symptoms that were caused by the surface irregularities.

Therapeutic Wavefront Guided LASIK

This new technique may correct imperfections in eyes caused by prior vision correction surgery. Wavefront analysis of the eye yields the precise focusing errors that are then corrected by custom laser guidance.

For more information and to see if you may be a candidate for LASIK revision surgery, please visit www.maloneyvision.com or call 877-999-EYES.

Dr. Robert Maloney ABC’s extreme makeover doctor, performed over 50,000 lasik surgery. Los angeles best laser eye center, voted top 10 in USA. For more details visit us : http://www.maloneyvision.com/

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