Design Your Own Diamond Earring}

Posted on October 29, 2017September 3, 2018Categories Diamonds

Submitted by: Harley John

Why do you want to buy a diamond earring, when you can design one on your own? These days, online jewellery stores are not only selling jewellery, but they also let you to create your own unique pieces, be it a ring or a necklace, you can customize any jewellery according to your taste and budget. Before going in to details, let us discuss about the need for customization. Why should we go for customizing jewellery, when we can get latest variety in the market?

As a matter of fact, we have a wide variety of jewellery in the market. With the latest and fashionable jewellery pouring in to the market, is there any need for customization. Well, in a way yes. In general, customization is for those people who want to stand out among the crowd with unique jewellery. The basic thing about customization is that we can get unique pieces, which no one else in the world has. So, those people who want to design their own jewellery or those who are creative enough usually go for customization, because they want something special and unique. The other advantage of customization is that you can get jewellery of your choice within your budget.

Second important question is how to customize jewellery in online stores. Let us discuss about the steps for customizing earrings. The interactive website offers a series of easy-to-understand steps to design your own earrings. Firstly, choose whether you want studs or drops, and go for the simple style or a dressy one. Once you have decided the type of earring you prefer, you have to select the shape of loose diamonds. Some of the shapes of loose diamonds are round, heart, princess, pear, oval, emerald and radiant. Round diamonds go well with all kinds of earring designs and are a good choice for daily wear studs. For dressy studs, you can choose heart and emerald-shaped stones. Oval and pear-shaped stones look great with drops and chandelier.


Next, select the setting type such as prong, border, prong drop and border drop. A prong setting features four to six or more claw-like structures that hold the stone. Prong setting is one of the most inexpensive types of settings. It enhances the shine and brilliance of diamonds. This setting makes the diamond look larger than it actually is. One disadvantage of this kind of setting is that the prongs may scratch or damage the stone, and it is not a good choice for those leading an active lifestyle. For an elegant earring, choose the border setting. This type of setting withstands the rigors of daily wear and tear.

After you have decided the stone shape and setting, pick out the colour, clarity, and cut of the stone. H&A, excellent, v. good, and good are the factors that determine the cut of the stone. It is a very important factor as the cut determines the brilliance of the stone and a higher grade means more shine. The stone’s colour is graded in alphabets from D to K, which represent colourless diamond to slightly yellow colour. The colour of the diamonds in the earrings plays a vital role in your design. If the clarity of a diamond stone is flawless, it is graded as FL. Tiny inclusions, cracks and other factors affect the clarity of a stone. A stone with a higher clarity grade will be more expensive than a lower grade diamond.

The next step is to choose a design. If you are creative enough, draw a design or else browse in the internet and pick a design which you like the most. Then hand over the design to the designer and choose the material depending on your budget. In general, platinum, gold and silver are widely used. Thus, you can customize your earrings and have a unique piece within your budget.

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Israel Journal: Is Yossi Vardi a good father to his entrepreneurial children?

Posted on October 29, 2017October 29, 2017Categories Uncategorized

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Wikinews reporter David Shankbone is currently, courtesy of the Israeli government and friends, visiting Israel. This is a first-hand account of his experiences and may — as a result — not fully comply with Wikinews’ neutrality policy. Please note this is a journalism experiment for Wikinews and put constructive criticism on the collaboration page.

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Dr. Yossi Vardi is known as Israel’s ‘Father of the Entrepreneur’, and he has many children in the form of technology companies he has helped to incubate in Tel Aviv‘s booming Internet sector. At the offices of Superna, one such company, he introduced a whirlwind of presentations from his baby incubators to a group of journalists. What stuck most in my head was when Vardi said, “What is important is not the technology, but the talent.” Perhaps because he repeated this after each young Internet entrepreneur showed us his or her latest creation under Vardi’s tutelage. I had a sense of déjà vu from this mantra. A casual reader of the newspapers during the boom will remember a glut of stories that could be called “The Rise of the Failure”; people whose technology companies had collapsed were suddenly hot commodities to start up new companies. This seemingly paradoxical thinking was talked about as new back then; but even Thomas Edison—the Father of Invention—is oft-quoted for saying, “I have not failed. I have just found ten thousand ways that won’t work.”

Vardi’s focus on encouraging his brood of talent regardless of the practicalities stuck out to me because of a recent pair of “dueling studies” The New York Times has printed. These are the sort of studies that confuse parents on how to raise their kids. The first, by Carol Dweck at Stanford University, came to the conclusion that children who are not praised for their efforts, regardless of the outcome’s success, rarely attempt more challenging and complex pursuits. According to Dweck’s study, when a child knows that they will receive praise for being right instead of for tackling difficult problems, even if they fail, they will simply elect to take on easy tasks in which they are assured of finding the solution.

Only one month earlier the Times produced another story for parents to agonize over, this time based on a study from the Brookings Institution, entitled “Are Kids Getting Too Much Praise?” Unlike Dweck’s clinical study, Brookings drew conclusions from statistical data that could be influenced by a variety of factors (since there was no clinical control). The study found American kids are far more confident that they have done well than their Korean counterparts, even when the inverse is true. The Times adds in the words of a Harvard faculty psychologist who intoned, “Self-esteem is based on real accomplishments. It’s all about letting kids shine in a realistic way.” But this is not the first time the self-esteem generation’s proponents have been criticized.

Vardi clearly would find himself encouraged by Dweck’s study, though, based upon how often he seemed to ask us to keep our eyes on the people more than the products. That’s not to say he has not found his latest ICQ, though only time—and consumers—will tell.

For a Web 2.User like myself, I was most fascinated by Fixya, a site that, like Wikipedia, exists on the free work of people with knowledge. Fixya is a tech support site where people who are having problems with equipment ask a question and it is answered by registered “experts.” These experts are the equivalent of Wikipedia’s editors: they are self-ordained purveyors of solutions. But instead of solving a mystery of knowledge a reader has in their head, these experts solve a problem related to something you have bought and do not understand. From baby cribs to cellular phones, over 500,000 products are “supported” on Fixya’s website. The Fixya business model relies upon the good will of its experts to want to help other people through the ever-expanding world of consumer appliances. But it is different from Wikipedia in two important ways. First, Fixya is for-profit. The altruistic exchange of information is somewhat dampened by the knowledge that somebody, somewhere, is profiting from whatever you give. Second, with Wikipedia it is very easy for a person to type in a few sentences about a subject on an article about the Toshiba Satellite laptop, but to answer technical problems a person is experiencing seems like a different realm. But is it? “It’s a beautiful thing. People really want to help other people,” said the presenter, who marveled at the community that has already developed on Fixya. “Another difference from Wikipedia is that we have a premium content version of the site.” Their premium site is where they envision making their money. Customers with a problem will assign a dollar amount based upon how badly they need an answer to a question, and the expert-editors of Fixya will share in the payment for the resolved issue. Like Wikipedia, reputation is paramount to Fixya’s experts. Whereas Wikipedia editors are judged by how they are perceived in the Wiki community, the amount of barnstars they receive and by the value of their contributions, Fixya’s customers rate its experts based upon the usefulness of their advice. The site is currently working on offering extended warranties with some manufacturers, although it was not clear how that would work on a site that functioned on the work of any expert.

Another collaborative effort product presented to us was YouFig, which is software designed to allow a group of people to collaborate on work product. This is not a new idea, although may web-based products have generally fallen flat. The idea is that people who are working on a multi-media project can combine efforts to create a final product. They envision their initial market to be academia, but one could see the product stretching to fields such as law, where large litigation projects with high-level of collaboration on both document creation and media presentation; in business, where software aimed at product development has generally not lived up to its promises; and in the science and engineering fields, where multi-media collaboration is quickly becoming not only the norm, but a necessity.

For the popular consumer market, Superna, whose offices hosted our meeting, demonstrated their cost-saving vision for the Smart Home (SH). Current SH systems require a large, expensive server in order to coordinate all the electronic appliances in today’s air-conditioned, lit and entertainment-saturated house. Such coordinating servers can cost upwards of US$5,000, whereas Superna’s software can turn a US$1,000 hand-held tablet PC into household remote control.

There were a few start-ups where Vardi’s fatherly mentoring seemed more at play than long-term practical business modeling. In the hot market of WiFi products, WeFi is software that will allow groups of users, such as friends, share knowledge about the location of free Internet WiFi access, and also provide codes and keys for certain hot spots, with access provided only to the trusted users within a group. The mock-up that was shown to us had a Google Maps-esque city block that had green points to the known hot spots that are available either for free (such as those owned by good Samaritans who do not secure their WiFi access) or for pay, with access information provided for that location. I saw two long-term problems: first, WiMAX, which is able to provide Internet access to people for miles within its range. There is already discussion all over the Internet as to whether this technology will eventually make WiFi obsolete, negating the need to find “hot spots” for a group of friends. Taiwan is already testing an island-wide WiMAX project. The second problem is if good Samaritans are more easily located, instead of just happened-upon, how many will keep their WiFi access free? It has already become more difficult to find people willing to contribute to free Internet. Even in Tel Aviv, and elsewhere, I have come across several secure wireless users who named their network “Fuck Off” in an in-your-face message to freeloaders.

Another child of Vardi’s that the Brookings Institution might say was over-praised for self-esteem but lacking real accomplishment is AtlasCT, although reportedly Nokia offered to pay US$8.1 million for the software, which they turned down. It is again a map-based software that allows user-generated photographs to be uploaded to personalized street maps that they can share with friends, students, colleagues or whomever else wants to view a person’s slideshow from their vacation to Paris (“Dude, go to the icon over Boulevard Montmartre and you’ll see this girl I thought was hot outside the Hard Rock Cafe!”) Aside from the idea that many people probably have little interest in looking at the photo journey of someone they know (“You can see how I traced the steps of Jesus in the Galilee“), it is also easy to imagine Google coming out with its own freeware that would instantly trump this program. Although one can see an e-classroom in architecture employing such software to allow students to take a walking tour through Rome, its desirability may be limited.

Whether Vardi is a smart parent for his encouragement, or in fact propping up laggards, is something only time will tell him as he attempts to bring these products of his children to market. The look of awe that came across each company’s representative whenever he entered the room provided the answer to the question of Who’s your daddy?

Austrian teenager mourns captor’s suicide

Posted on October 29, 2017October 29, 2017Categories Uncategorized

Monday, August 28, 2006

An eighteen year old Austrian girl, who was held captive by a 44 year-old man in the basement of his house for eight years, said that she is mourning his suicide, which he committed after she escaped from him.

Natascha Kampusch, abducted on her way to school eight years ago, had been “part of [her captor’s] life.” Police and investigators, unable to find a single lead or tip of her whereabouts, had all but given up hope of finding her alive and well until last week, when Natascha fled from her captor, Wolfgang Priklopil, a telecoms technician after he left her cleaning his car to answer the telephone. Natascha’s abductor, Wolfgang Priklopil, committed suicide hours after Natascha’s escape by throwing himself in front of a train only minutes after he realized her escape.

After hearing of Priklopil’s death, Kampusch wrote “..[Priklopil] was part of my life, that’s why in a certain way I’m mourning him”. Psychoanalysts believe Kampusch may be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, a psychological condition in which captives begin to feel empathy, and even affection, for their captors. Psychoanalysts are well represented in Vienna as Sigmund Freud, the founder of Psychoanalysis was Viennese. After eight years with her captor, Kampusch is spending time receiving care from psychologists at a secret location, away from the media and her parents. Natasha spoke at first but later became more reticent and reluctant to answer questions. A psychiatrist feared a “delayed trauma”.

Kampusch’s parents expressed their frustration on not being allowed to have access to their daughter. Nevertheless, psychiatric staff with the girl have said that Kampusch needs time to re-adjust to life in the outside world. In a letter to her parents, Kampush stated that they would have “…all the time in the world…” once she had become re-accustomed to the outside. Psychologists claim she may lead a normal future life but probably will require years of psychological therapy. Ludwig Koch, her father said, “Natascha is very thin, has very, very white skin, and patches on her whole body. I don’t want to think where they come from.” She may be suppressing physical or sexual abuse. Early on she had to call her captor “master” or “lord”.

Make Better Use Of The Waiting Room Of Your Dental Clinic

Posted on October 29, 2017October 29, 2017Categories Kitchen Home Improvement

Are you running a dental clinic yourself? Do you want to provide a healthy, happy and stress-free environment for your patients? So, making the waiting room as comfortable as possible is a good way. The more at ease they feel in the environment, the more likely they are to come back to the office. Here are some decoration ideas for your waiting room that may leave a deep impression to the patients.

– Paint walls with a neutral color: a proper color of the wall can help patients remain calm. Colors like white and light blue are recommended.

– Put things that help distract nervous: many people feel afraid and tense when going to a dental clinic. Hanging dentistry-inspired artwork on the wall, adding toys that children and adults can enjoy, placing magazines on counters, setting a fish tank in waiting room are all ways to reduce stress.


– Keep the air fresh with plants: putting out green or aromatic plants can not only help make the air fresh, but also add life and color to the waiting room.

Besides the tips above, are there any other unique ways that can make the clinic waiting room more attractive and functional? Yes, placing a flat-screen television and a DVD player to play interesting programs can be a good idea. By doing so, patients can view programs freely. Also, you can make DVDs with special purpose for exhibiting. Here is a list of things you can show on TV through the DVD player:

– Provide some common advices to help patients protect their teeth. Like brush correctly, eat teeth damaging foods sparingly, and don’t clinch or grind teeth.

– Explain the whole treatment process clearly in case someone are not familiar with what to prepare in the waiting room.

– List how you can provide the dental treatment service, and your contact information.

– Share what new smiles said about your clinic, this can build good reputation for your clinic.

When making such DVDs, you may think it is a hard job. But if you have picked up a right tool, you can also do it easily even if you are a newbie to DVD making. Yes, all you need is PowerPoint and a PowerPoint to DVD converter. PowerPoint is powerful enough to create all kinds of stunning presentations due to the animation and multimedia abilities of it. After you finish creating the DVD content with PowerPoint, convert the PowerPoint to DVD with Wondershare PPT2DVD, and then you can play the presentations on TV through DVD player.

The waiting room of a dental clinic can be a place only for waiting, but also a place for communication and to promote your business. It all depends on how you make use of it. Just make the most out of the waiting room with your talent.

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dental clinic decoration tips, make DVD for dental clinic, promote dental clinic business, waiting room decoration ideas, PowerPoint to DVD converter Author: Joana Andrew

United States judges block third version of President Trump’s travel ban

Posted on October 29, 2017October 29, 2017Categories Uncategorized

Saturday, October 21, 2017

On Tuesday and Wednesday, United States District Judges in two states issued rulings barring enforcement of part or all the latest version of President Donald Trump’s executive order forbidding people from specific countries from entering the U.S.

On Tuesday, in Hawaii, District Judge Derrick Watson issued a temporary block on enforcement. On Wednesday, in Maryland, District Judge Theodore D. Chuang blocked one of its stipulations on the grounds that it was an “inextricable re-animation of the twice-enjoined Muslim ban.” The order was to have gone into effect Wednesday night and would have affected people from Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Chad, and some Venezuelans.

Watson, who previously ruled on another version of the order, ruled that the current ban “plainly discriminates based on nationality,” “lacks sufficient findings that the entry of more than 150 million nationals from six specified countries would be ‘detrimental to the interests of the United States'” and “suffers from precisely the same maladies as its predecessor.”

Chuang blocked the order’s measure pertaining to anyone with a bona fide relationship to someone in the United States.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told the press, “The Department of Justice will vigorously defend the president’s lawful action[…] These restrictions are vital to ensuring that foreign nations comply with the minimum security standards required for the integrity of our immigration system and the security of our nation.”

“This cruel and bigoted ban remains as senseless as ever,” Naureen Shah of Amnesty International said in a statement. “President Trump cannot continue to demonize people based on where they come from or how they worship. The Trump administration must end this legal battle and abandon the Muslim ban.”

Then-candidate Trump promised his supporters “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” when running for office, and the previous versions of the travel ban were heavily criticized as targeting Muslims. Those versions named only Muslim-majority countries, like Iran. North Korea and Venezuela, which are not Muslim-majority countries, have since been named as well.

According to U.S. officials, Chad, which was not covered under any of the previous versions of the travel ban, was added to the list because of a technicality: It ran out of passport paper and couldn’t provide the passport samples needed to complete the paperwork.

The United States Supreme Court may rule on the constitutionality of the travel ban eventually. A hearing on a previous incarnation of the ban, scheduled for October 10, was canceled after the Trump Administration announced the new version.


Djokovic defeats Federer to win 2015 Wimbledon Championship men’s singles

Posted on October 29, 2017October 29, 2017Categories Uncategorized

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

On Sunday, Novak Djokovic defeated seven-time champion Roger Federer 7–6, 6–7, 6–4, 6–3 to win the 2015 Wimbledon Championships men’s singles, which is overall his third Wimbledon trophy of his career. Djokovic, who is ranked world number one in men’s tennis, has now won a total of nine Grand Slam titles.

Djokovic won the first set 7–6 with 6 aces in total. Federer snatched the second set 7–6 in his favour, that too with 6 aces. The Serbian Djokovic had only 16 unforced errors as compared to Federer’s 35 unforced errors. Completing the third and fourth sets 6–4 and 6–3, Djokovic ruined the chance of Federer winning the championship for an eighth time, a feat nobody has ever accomplished to date.

The match was completed in two hours and 56 minutes. After the match, Federer said “I had my chances in the first set. I got lucky to win the second, had chances in the third. But he was better on the bigger points. He was rock solid, I didn’t play badly myself. That’s how it goes.”

This was Djokovic’s 48th victory in 2015.

Athletes prepare for 2012 Summer Paralympics at the Paralympic Fitness Centre

Posted on October 28, 2017October 28, 2017Categories Uncategorized

Monday, August 27, 2012

London, England — As Paralympians ready for the Games which are set to open later this week, they have access to a world class fitness center inside the Paralympic Village which is designed to maximise their pre-Game preparations.

According to volunteers staffing the center, instead of being a single large room, as in Beijing, the building has numerous rooms. It, along with the adjacent Village Services Centre, is designed to be converted into a school after the games conclude. Rooms have been structured as a gym, an auditorium, and science laboratories.

Gym equipment is supplied by Technogym, an Italian firm that has supplied gym equipment for the Olympics since 2000. Equipment has been provided not just for for the Fitness Centre, but for gyms at all the Olympic venues. The newest equipment is oriented toward maximum flexibility, allowing athletes to exercise the particular muscles that they most require for their sport.

In addition to the equipment, the Fitness Centre also provides instructors trained in the use of the equipment, the likes of which athletes from many countries have never seen before. There are also a number of instructors available to provide motivational training.

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Mckinney apologizes for confrontation with security guard

Posted on October 28, 2017October 28, 2017Categories Uncategorized

Thursday, April 6, 2006

Speaking on the US House floor Thursday, Cynthia Mckinney stated, “There should not have been any physical contact in this incident.” Her remarks were in relation to an incident last week where she struck a US Capitol police officer as he attempted to stop her from walking through a metal detector. During her speech she also stated that she would vote for a resolution supporting the efforts of the Capitol police.

Her speech comes on the same day when a Disctrict of Columbia grand jury began hearing testimony regarding the McKinney case. It is possible that McKinney may be charged in relation to the case, possibly as early as next week.

Others named in lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal

Posted on October 28, 2017October 28, 2017Categories Uncategorized
Buffalo, N.Y. Hotel Proposal Controversy
Recent Developments
  • “120 year-old documents threaten development on site of Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal” — Wikinews, November 21, 2006
  • “Proposal for Buffalo, N.Y. hotel reportedly dead: parcels for sale “by owner”” — Wikinews, November 16, 2006
  • “Contract to buy properties on site of Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal extended” — Wikinews, October 2, 2006
  • “Court date “as needed” for lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal” — Wikinews, August 14, 2006
  • “Preliminary hearing for lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal rescheduled” — Wikinews, July 26, 2006
  • “Elmwood Village Hotel proposal in Buffalo, N.Y. withdrawn” — Wikinews, July 13, 2006
  • “Preliminary hearing against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal delayed” — Wikinews, June 2, 2006
Original Story
  • “Hotel development proposal could displace Buffalo, NY business owners” — Wikinews, February 17, 2006

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Buffalo, New York — A copy has been obtained of the lawsuit filed against the City of Buffalo for allegedly fast-tracking a seven million dollar hotel proposal.

The Elmwood Village Hotel is a 72-room, seven-million-dollar hotel proposed by Savarino Construction Services Corporation and designed by architect Karl Frizlen of the Frizlen Group. Its construction would require the demolition of at least five buildings, currently at 1109-1121 Elmwood, which house several shops and residents. Although the properties are “under contract,” it is still not known whether Savarino Construction actually owns the buildings. It is believed that Hans Mobius, a resident of Clarence, New York and former Buffalo mayoral candidate, is still the owner. The hotel is expected to be a franchise of the Wyndham Hotels group.

According to official court documents, there are more defendants than previously thought. Documents state that not only Buffalo’s Common Council and Planning Board are named in the lawsuit, but also the Mayor of Buffalo, Byron W. Brown, Savarino Construction Services Corporation, Hans J. Mobius and his son Hans S. Mobius owners of the properties at stake, Pano Georgiadis, owner of Pano’s Restaurant on Elmwood, and Cendant Corporation, the parent company of Wyndham Hotels are also named in the suit.

According to the lawsuit, during the length of the trial, Savarino Construction along with their employees, Hans Mobius and his son are not allowed to make any alterations or “engage in the physical alteration” of any of the said properties, 1109-1121 Elmwood and 9999 Forest. The suit also states that the owner of 605 Forest, Pano Georgiadis is also to follow the same rule.

The suit also states that Hans Mobius, his son and employees or “agents” are not allowed to “take any step, lawful or otherwise, to terminate [the] petitioners, Nancy Pollina and Patricia Morris,” owners of Don Apparel at 1119 Elmwood “tenancies.” Although the business is owned by Pollina and Morris, they are without a lease.

Within the suit it states that the rezoning of the properties 1119-1121 Elmwood and 605 Forest, by the Common Council, from a ‘R3’ Dwelling District to a C2 commercial zone “constitutes as impermissible ‘spot-zoning'” and is “not in accord with a well-considered plan for the development of the community and is null and void.” According to the suit the courts of New York have defined spot-zoning as “the process of singling out a small parcel of land for a use classification totally different from that of the surrounding area, for the benefit of the owner of such properties and to the detriment of other owners.” The suit also states that the proposed site for the hotel is different from the surrounding properties because none of the zoning classifications, ‘EB’ [Elmwood Avenue Business District], ‘R3’ [Dwelling District], ‘R1’ [One Family District] and ‘R2’ [Dwelling District], permit the construction and operation of a hotel.

It is alleged that Savarino Construction “failed to utilize forms obtainable from the city clerks office, failed to include an accurate map or survey showing the location of all buildings and structures and failed to include the names and addresses of each of the owners of the properties to be rezoned.”

It is also believed that recommendation in regards to [hotel] compatibility, different land uses, traffic studies, community character, population density, relations between other residents and business owners, public convenience, governmental efficiency, and achieving and maintaining a satisfied community, were to be sent to Erie County’s Planning agency and was to refer Savarino’s rezoning application and site plan to the agency, however; the lawsuit alleges that although a referral was given to Savarino, it “does not appear that the ‘full statement of such proposed action’ was forwarded to the County [Agency].”

The suit also alleges that the Common Council “failed to wait the ‘statutorily-mandated’ 30-days after the County’s Planning Agency’s receipt” of recommendations from the Council. The County’s Planning Agency replied to the recommendations, however; the Agency replied on March 27, 2006, just six days after the Council made its recommendations, falling well short of the “statutorily-mandated” thirty days. The Agency’s reply however, did not support or oppose the recommendations or hotel proposal.

Public hearings are required to be registered by the City clerk to the City Planning Board, and according to the suit, “no record” of the Public hearing on March 7, presenting the initial proposal to the public, was made within the City’s Clerk office or Planning Board.

The suit also alleges that the Common council and Planning Board also violated the State’s Environmental Quality Review Act or SEQRA and the City’s Environmental Review Ordinance by allowing the Planning Board to be the “lead agency” instead of the Common Council. A lead agency is an involved agency principally responsible for undertaking or approving an action and therefore responsible for determining whether an Environmental Impact Statement or EIS is needed, according to the SEQRA regulations. The suit also states that the hotel proposal “constitutes an action under the SEQRA” because the project could “affect the environment by changing the use, appearance or condition of any natural resource or structure that requires one or more approvals from an agency or agencies” and that the Common Council and Planning Board are “obliged to comply with both the letter [recommendations] and spirit of the SEQRA review process” which include identifying the areas of environmental concerns and taking a “hard look” at them. The suit also claims that the Common Council has the “sole authority to grant Savarino Construction’s rezoning request” and “to approve the special development plan,” but it also claims that the Planning Board is “an involved agency” but that it is “clearly subordinate to that of the Common Council” therefore the decision made by both the Council and Planning Board to allow the Planning Board to be the ‘lead agency,’ is in “violation” of the State’s SEQRA and “renders all determinations” made by the Planning Board and Common Council on March 14, 21, and 28, 2006, “void and unauthorized.” It goes on to say that the Council “proceeded without or in excess of their jurisdiction, and/or made a determination in violation of lawful procedure, affected by an error of law, and/or in an arbitrary and capricious manner.” It also states that unless the requirements of the SEQRA are met, then the petitioners have the right to “seek a temporary restraining order” from the Court if circumstances require it.

The suit also states that a failure to grant a preliminary injunction, through the courts, will result in “irreparable injury” to the petitioners and that the Council and Planing Board have failed to comply with the requirements of the SEQRA and have violated several other state laws and city codes.

So far, Savarino Construction has not responded to any calls or e-mails. District councilman Joseph Golombek also has not responded. Georgiadias was unavailable for comment.

A preliminary hearing is scheduled to take place at 9:30 a.m. on June 8, 2006 in the Supreme Court building at 50 Delaware Avenue in Buffalo, on the 8th floor, part 31.

Easy Ways On How To Use Search Engine Optimization Seo To Increase Your Affiliate Income}

Posted on October 27, 2017April 1, 2018Categories Marketing

Submitted by: Latonya Campbell

Making a hefty revenue through affiliate programs and marketing is no longer a new concept. In fact, there are a lot of online entrepreneurs who specialize in affiliate marketing as a means of earning revenue. If well planned and executed, you can replace your 9 5 job and pay all your bills. Affiliate marketing is actually one of the opportunities brought about by online business and e-commerce. It is very simple when stated in theory. It basically involves creating a site with high traffic and referring visitors to products or services. When visitors purchase a product, service or download a digital product, you receive a commission from the company you are marketing for. The great thing is that you can market products and services from different companies, stores or manufacturers. However, the practical procedure is not quite as simple and requires patience, determination and a variety of skills in internet marketing. Success in selling affiliate products will require some basic (preferably deep) understanding of:

Website building

SEO (search engine optimization) and link building

Online payment methods


Standards and legal frameworks

Traffic building

Personal creativity

You must not necessarily learn all the skills at once, although basic web designing skills and SEO are paramount if you intend to increase your affiliate income.

Search Engine Optimization and Affiliate Marketing

SEO is almost inseparable from affiliate marketing or any other form of internet marketing for that matter. Search engine optimization involves making your contents and websites (which includes the affiliate products you are marketing) visible to internet (WEB) users. SEO does not only stop at visibility. They are concepts used to ensure your web pages appear in the first page of search results, if not at the first position. In order to make income as an affiliate marketer, you must have several visitors (traffic/potential customer) to your site since the products you sell (recommend) are displayed on your site. These visitors arrive at your site by typing their search information on common search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. When they search a specific product (including information and digital products) or service in search engines like Google, it replies them with search results. SEO focuses on the algorithms search engines use to rank sites according to relevance to the search. You will therefore need to identify your target market and find out which keywords they type in the search. SEO also includes link building and other site optimization procedures like social media engagements. From website layout to structure and incorporation of media files such as images, videos, music files and banners, SEO is indeed a broad concept. It involves choosing the right topics, titles and keywords/keyword phrases as well as availing relevant, up-to-date quality content. Without proper search engine optimization, you can have a perfectly designed website full with content and product referrals or catalogs. You will, however, have a few visitors who actually see and click on the links you have provided. Most internet users rely on the first listed sites in the search result. A site listed in the 50th page of results is less likely to be clicked. Therefore, in simple terms, affiliate marketing and its success depends on the number of visitors to a site (traffic) and rate of conversion of that traffic. Traffic is greatly influenced by SEO which determines which sites are ranked first in a search result. Conversion simply refers to how many visitors end up buying the affiliate products you are recommending, which depends on how much you convince them (quality content, description and review).

Web designing and affiliate income

Although you need not to be a programmer in order to succeed in affiliate marketing, basic knowledge in HTML and web designing is still important. To market affiliate products, you must have a website, whether it is a running blog or just a site full of resources and product links. Blogging is one of the common techniques used in affiliate programs mainly because it is a simple way of generating fresh unique contents. You can build links to products and resources within the contents of the blog.


A finely designed website (featuring responsive designs, clear navigation pathway, quality content and ergonomic user interface) will keep visitors locked into your pages. SEO helps you design the content and structure that keeps you high up the list in search results thereby driving in more traffic. In summary, increasing your affiliate income will require you to build a functional and well structured website, optimized to drive in traffic and lead visitors to products or services.

About the Author: Latonya Campbell is the author of FREE blog that is aimed to provide value to business owners of all skill levels. Load up on business strategies by subscribing to the FREE weekly newsletter that is jam packed with tips and tricks that will boost your online income including tips on how to drive traffic to your affiliate products at

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