The Many Uses Of Custom Lapel Pins

By Jason Bacot

Lapel pins are created for lots of different reasons, from promoting team spirit to commemorating historic events. Many organizations are also discovering that custom made pins are relatively inexpensive and are useful in many contexts. For example, custom pins could be given to employees or students who have shown outstanding effort in the past year. They could be made for members of a school club, or they could be created to sell at a fundraiser. People have even made custom lapel pins for things like family reunions.

They’re great for boosting school spirit too. They can be awarded at various school functions or sold at school fundraisers. Pins are also commonly used as awards in academic settings for outstanding academic accomplishments, whether in the regular classroom, or at special events like debates, math contests, or quiz bowls. Schools can easily create custom designs for pins with mascots, logos, or school colors. And they will be treasured by their recipients long after they are all grown up.

One popular reason for designing and ordering custom lapel pins is to raise money. They usually cost only about $3 apiece and can be made in different colors of metal, or with enamel detailing. Your organization or club could order, say, 100 pins and sell them for $5 apiece and raise $200. The pins could bear the name or logo of your organization, or they could have some other design that would be significant to the people you hope would buy them.


Some fundraisers that sell pins, sell different ones for different contribution levels. Suppose you were doing a fundraiser for your local playhouse. You could offer bronze pins for one donation level, silver for another, and gold for another. Whether you hope to raise funds from a lot of small contributions or from a smaller number of large contributions will determine your design choices and how you price them.

If you are thinking about having custom pins made, there are several things you should bear in mind so that the designs look as terrific as possible. The main thing you should remember is that lapel pins are generally quite small, so very intricate designs generally will not look good. Keep the design as simple as possible. Any fonts used for lettering should be simple, without serifs. The most intricate parts of your designs are usually created by the metal showing through the enamel because it is difficult to make fine lines with the enamel used in making pins. Most pin manufacturers use a Pantone color chart so that you know the color you order is the color you get.

Custom pins are measured by the length of their longest side. Simply draw a square or a rectangle around the design and measure the longest side. That is generally the measurement you give to the manufacturer when ordering. As awards or keepsakes go, custom-made pins are great choices. Those that are made to high standards can be very attractive, and they are small enough that they’re easy to hang onto over the years as a reminder and a memento of a special time, place, or event.

About the Author: Jason Bacot – Are you looking to get your own Custom

Lapel Pins

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