Is My Chicken Sick? Signs To Look For

Posted on July 12, 2023July 13, 2023Categories Bed Linen

By Suzie OConnor

Chickens, just like any animal, cannot vocalize when they are feeling a bit under the weather. Therefore we need to be a bit more observant towards our flock to be sure that they are not falling ill. One sure fire sign to tell if a chicken is falling sick is if their daily habits are beginning to change, but what other signs should one look for to be able to tell if their chicken is getting sick?

1 – Is your chicken acting unusual or out of the ordinary? Often times when a chicken is feeling ill they will act sluggish, or lethargic, just as you would if you were not feeling 100%. They may not want to be around the other members of the flock, and may stay cooped up in their chicken coop. Your chicken may shiver, or become withdrawn. If your chicken is showing any extreme signs, contact your veterinarian immediately.

2 – Their eating habits change or stop. If your chicken is not eating as much as it would normally, or is not eating at all, that is a big sign that something is wrong. As they cannot talk, chickens will display their feelings through their behaviors, and feeding is naturally one of the first behaviors that will alter.


3 – Look at physical signs that your chicken may be displaying. Is your chicken hunched over, or slouching? Are their eyes runny, cloudy, or dim? Are feathers easily falling out, or falling out in clumps? These are all physical symptoms that your chicken may display if severely ill.

Additionally, monitor your chicken’s restroom behaviors, or any discharges that may be coming from them. Diarrhea and vomiting are both signs that something is wrong with your chicken. Lastly, check for any bumps, scabs, or open wounds throughout your chicken’s body, be sure to check for any signs of infection such as swelling, or pus.

4 – Monitor your chicken’s movement or motions. If you chicken is staggering or swaying to one side these are both signs that something is amiss. Additionally, if your chicken is wheezing, coughing, or displaying any abnormal breathing habits then this could be tied back to a respiratory problem. If any abnormalities are being displayed through breathing contact your veterinarian immediately.

Whenever a chicken is found to be displaying any symptoms of illness these chicken should immediately be separated from the rest of the flock until you are sure that whatever they have fallen ill with is not contagious to the rest of the flock. Also be sure to monitor the remainder of the flock to catch any symptoms early on.

If the symptoms are severe or continue for too long, contact your veterinarian immediately to seek medical attention. Regardless of what the illness may be, one should speak to a veterinarian to be aware of the best way to cure and treat any illness or injury. And last but not least, always be aware of your flocks normal day to day habits so that you may catch any illness early on.

About the Author: Suzie O’Connor is the owner of located in sunny Florida. The company carries an extensive selection of fertile chicken eggs, quail eggs, and other fertilized eggs plus chicken egg incubators, brooder boxes, organic chicken feed, chicken coops and much more. Customer service may be reached via live chat on the site or at 888-595-5306.


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Gold Mining: How Do We Get Gold Out Of The Ground

Posted on April 8, 2023April 9, 2023Categories Bed Linen

By Ron Peterson

The precious metal of gold has fascinated humans for thousands of years. But how do we actually get it out of the ground? Let’s take a look at the most common ways to mine gold.

There are two main gold mining methods, one is called ‘placer” and the other is ‘vein” mining. And another type of mining is when gold is collected as a by-product in the mining of other metals.

Placer Mining

Placer mining is practiced when the metal is found in unconsolidated deposits of sand and gravel from which the gold can be easily separated because of its high density. The sand and gravel suspended in moving water. Much heavier metal sinks to bottom and is separated by hand.

The simplest method of placer mining is panning. Here the miner swirls the mixture in a pan rapidly enough to carry the water and most of the gravel and sand over the edge while the gold remains on bottom. This was the classic method used by the Forty-Niners during the California gold rush of 1849 and has been immortalized in story, art, and song.

A more efficient form of placer mining uses a sluice box, a U-shaped trough with a gentle slope and transverse bars firmly attached to the trough bottom.

The bars — extending from side to side — catch the heaviest particles and prevent them from washing down the slope.


Sand and gravel are placed in the high end, the gate to a water supply is opened, and the lighter material is washed through the sluice box and out the lower end. The materials are caught behind the bars and are gleaned to recover gold.

Another variation of placer mining is called hydraulic mining. A very strong stream of water is directed at natural sand and gravel banks washing away the lighter materials. The suspended materials treated as if they were in giant sluice box.

Currently the most important placer technique is dredging. A huge shovel of several cubic meters capacity lifts the unconsolidated sand and gravel from soil and mud and the placer process starts.

Vein Mining

Vein, or lode mining is the most important of gold recovery methods. Each ounce of gold recovered requires the processing of about 100,000 ounces of ore. Much gold is deposited in rock veins and this method accounts for more than half world’s total gold production. Gold in veins may be of microscopic particle size, in nuggets or sheets, or in gold compounds. The ore requires extensive extraction and refining.

One-third of all gold is produced as a by-product of copper, lead, and zinc production. Copper must be electrolytically refined to raise its purity from 99% to the more than 99.99% that is required for many industrial purposes.

In the refining process an anode of impure copper is electrolyzed in a bath in which the cathode is a very thin sheet of highly refined copper. This process

creates anode sludge which contains gold in quantities sufficient to make its recovery profitable. One-third of all gold is obtained from such by-products.

Silver and platinum are also recovered from the copper anode sludge in quantities large enough to more than pay for the total refining process.

Extraction, Refining and Uses of Gold

Ore from the gold mine is first crushed in rod or ball mills. This process reduces the ore to a powdery substance. The gold is then extracted by amalgamation with mercury or by placer procedures. Approx. 70% is recovered at this point.

The remainder is then dissolved in dilute solutions of sodium cyanide or calcium cyanide. The addition of metallic zinc to these solutions causes metallic gold to precipitate. This precipitate is refined by smelting and the purification is completed by electrolysis. The sludge produced in this process will also contain commercial quantities of silver, platinum, osmium, and other rare-earth metals.

Gold is one of the first two or three metals, along with copper and silver that was used by humans in these metals’ elemental states. Because of its poor chemical reactivity it was found uncombined and required no knowledge of refining. Gold was used in decorative arts before 9000 BC. And civilizations prized gold for its beauty.

A principal use of gold today is as a currency reserve. For centuries gold was used directly as currency along with silver. During the 19th century, gold assumed the role as the sole basis of the currencies of most nations. Paper money was directly convertible into gold.

World War I, however, disrupted the ‘gold-standard” system. The original gold standard was gradually abandoned. The United States stopped minting gold coinage in 1934 and the dollar eventually emerged as the principal unit of international monetary transactions.

Since the 1970s, gold has been bought and sold on the world market, with widely fluctuating prices. Today gold reserves maintain only a very indirect relationship with currency values. However, as gold has declined as a currency reserve, its use in industrial processes has risen. On top of this, its beauty and workability continue to give gold an important role in the world’s jewelry industry.

About the Author: Lewis Jewelers is proud to carry the full line of

Pandora Jewelry

. Pandora bracelets, Pandora charms and Pandora beads are only a part of the collection. For more information, Lewis Jewelers, 2000 West Stadium Blvd., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48103, 877-88-LEWIS or visit the website.


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Tips About Your Dogs Room And Personal Space

Posted on October 21, 2022October 22, 2022Categories Bed Linen

By Randy Jones

Regardless of where you live, your dog must always have its own private domain where it can feel at home. Find a quiet place for the dog to sleep. The location should be convenient for you and suitable for your pet. Make sure your dog feels comfortable there, and do not change the location afterwards.

An uncarpeted room, not too cold, with a floor that is easy to wash, is a good choice. A puppy must be well protected from draughts. Beware of cold air seeping in around doors and windows. A dog will automatically settle with its back against a wall, so arrange your pets spot next to a wall or in a corner but not too close to a radiator or heating vent because the dogs coat will dry out and become brittle.


The dogs place should be away from heavily traveled areas because the animal will probably need a lot of sleep, initially. But the dog should also be able to observe everyones comings and goings so it can start taking part in family life. Your pet can probably sleep comfortably in a crate lined with cushions, a towel or shredded newspaper. Large dogs generally just sleep on a blanket.

If your dog will weigh less than 30 pounds when fully grown, you can use a wicker basket lined with a soft, easily washable cushion. The main concern is to see that the animal is well insulated from the floor. Air the dogs bedding every day and clean it once a week. In summer, if your dog gets fleas or tics, treat the bedding with flea and tick powder or replace it completely.

You can put the dogs two bowls one for food the other for water, near its bed. If the dogs muzzle is pointed, use deep bowls, if its muzzle is blunt, shallow bowls are preferable. For a toy, give your dog a bone made of animal hide. It can cut its teeth safely, on the hide because even if it swallows a piece, the material is digestible. You may find that your dog will choose its own plaything; if so, make sure the choice is not an old shoe. This may encourage it to start chewing new shoes.

About the Author: Randy Jones and his partner Brent Jones have been in the pet industry for a long time. Recently they formed On the site, customers can shop for the latest

small dog sweaters

and more. Check it out at


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The Many Uses Of Custom Lapel Pins

Posted on December 31, 2021January 1, 2022Categories Bed Linen

By Jason Bacot

Lapel pins are created for lots of different reasons, from promoting team spirit to commemorating historic events. Many organizations are also discovering that custom made pins are relatively inexpensive and are useful in many contexts. For example, custom pins could be given to employees or students who have shown outstanding effort in the past year. They could be made for members of a school club, or they could be created to sell at a fundraiser. People have even made custom lapel pins for things like family reunions.

They’re great for boosting school spirit too. They can be awarded at various school functions or sold at school fundraisers. Pins are also commonly used as awards in academic settings for outstanding academic accomplishments, whether in the regular classroom, or at special events like debates, math contests, or quiz bowls. Schools can easily create custom designs for pins with mascots, logos, or school colors. And they will be treasured by their recipients long after they are all grown up.

One popular reason for designing and ordering custom lapel pins is to raise money. They usually cost only about $3 apiece and can be made in different colors of metal, or with enamel detailing. Your organization or club could order, say, 100 pins and sell them for $5 apiece and raise $200. The pins could bear the name or logo of your organization, or they could have some other design that would be significant to the people you hope would buy them.


Some fundraisers that sell pins, sell different ones for different contribution levels. Suppose you were doing a fundraiser for your local playhouse. You could offer bronze pins for one donation level, silver for another, and gold for another. Whether you hope to raise funds from a lot of small contributions or from a smaller number of large contributions will determine your design choices and how you price them.

If you are thinking about having custom pins made, there are several things you should bear in mind so that the designs look as terrific as possible. The main thing you should remember is that lapel pins are generally quite small, so very intricate designs generally will not look good. Keep the design as simple as possible. Any fonts used for lettering should be simple, without serifs. The most intricate parts of your designs are usually created by the metal showing through the enamel because it is difficult to make fine lines with the enamel used in making pins. Most pin manufacturers use a Pantone color chart so that you know the color you order is the color you get.

Custom pins are measured by the length of their longest side. Simply draw a square or a rectangle around the design and measure the longest side. That is generally the measurement you give to the manufacturer when ordering. As awards or keepsakes go, custom-made pins are great choices. Those that are made to high standards can be very attractive, and they are small enough that they’re easy to hang onto over the years as a reminder and a memento of a special time, place, or event.

About the Author: Jason Bacot – Are you looking to get your own Custom

Lapel Pins

to go with your

Custom Patches

for your business or yourself? Then I suggest you check out “” immediately.


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Signs That Your Boyfriend Is Cheating 3 Major Signs To The Truth You Deserve

Posted on June 18, 2021June 19, 2021Categories Bed Linen

By Nick Brighton

Signs that your boyfriend is cheating can come in many forms of disguise. If you’re looking for signs that your boyfriend is cheating then this article will briefly outline three obvious signs that he is (or isn’t) cheating on you.

You’ve enjoyed a wonderful relationship up until now, so to feel like your boyfriend is cheating is a horrible situation for you emotionally and mentally. Ultimately, whether it’s good or bad news, deep down you desire the truth. It’s only fair that you know the truth, right?

Hopefully, it is just a false alarm and you’re being paranoid. But you’ll never know until you uncover the real truth, so I am going to help you get there, ok?

Before you do start looking into things a little more carefully, I want you to realize that if you feel that your relationship is suffering and you feel guilty about feeling paranoid, DO NOT blame yourself. There’s millions of women who feel the same way and it’s just part of every relationship. It’s not always about lack of trust or anything you might be wrongly thinking, just focus on the truth and move on accordingly.

Don’t worry if you’re thinking that the truth is going to hurt, it’s needs to happen, good or bad. Either way, it’s better than carrying on mentally destroying yourself esteem in this current state isn’t it? These are not the only ways to build evidence, and you should always take your time to build up the clues and reasons for confronting him about his activity before you blow it.


So use these tips to help you on your way, and keep reading to see how you can get to the bottom of this problem once and for all.

You’re reading this article because you have doubts about your boyfriend’s loyalty. Whether these doubts are reasonable or not remains to be seen. However, once you know the truth you will be in a far better position to decide what to do next. That’s why is so important you get to the truth as soon as possible.

You might find that if he knows you’re on to him then it will become nearly impossible to ever know the truth, so when looking for these signs that your boyfriend is cheating please be discreet and make sure he doesn’t know you’re being watchful.

Three things to look out for are:

1. Involvement – Is he too worn-out to be sensual with you in the evening or at bed time? Perhaps he does he want to be sexual with you more than normal? And when you are intimate with each other, would he prefer to try stuff between the sheets that you never did previously?

2. Aloof – He hold that removed look in his eyes… he feels absented to you and that you are not close-knit like you were before

3. Finances – Is he splashing out a great deal more cash on stuff but but you actually don’t understand were the finances go?

As I already mentioned, you need to know the truth sooner rather than later so that you can confront him when you’re sure you’ve got good reason. Because the longer you leave things, presuming he IS cheating on you, the worse it will be for you to accept. Plus, the harder it might be to hold onto him (if that’s what you want).

Either way, it’s better to put an end to the paranoia sooner rather than later.

If you really want to know the true signs that your boyfriend is cheating then make sure you have adequate ways to find out. Guesswork is just not good enough!

What happens when you get it wrong? What else can you do to make sure you get it right? Is there a proven way to get through this tough time? Is he taking you for an idiot or is he the man you always hoped he was?

About the Author: Read my horror story at to get the answers and see how I caught my partner playing ME for a fool…and how YOU can avoid wasting time by trying to guess your way to happiness…


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